Our goal at BCITO is to help and support each of our apprentices to be as successful as possible in their development. To help achieve this goal, we formed a group of 15 apprentices to work with us and all of our apprentices across all of our industry sectors. These apprentices are called Apprentice Leaders, and together they form the Apprentice Leadership Group.

Our apprentice leaders were recently invited to participate in an Outward Bound Course that focused on team building and personal development, and we caught up with them all to learn more about their experience and what they learned.

Ashleigh, our Frame and Truss Apprentice Leader, thoroughly enjoyed her experience at Outward Bound and found it to be a remarkable journey of self-discovery and growth.

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One of the activities that stood out for Ashleigh was rowing and sailing. These experiences not only tested her physical capabilities but also reinforced the importance of collaboration and effective communication.

"Backing yourself and getting a really good team around you" are some key takeaways Ashleigh gained from the entire experience. Ashleigh discovered that she was capable of achieving more than she had initially thought, and the unwavering support of her fellow apprentice leaders played a significant role in this realisation.

"It's all about having a supportive team that helps you achieve more," she affirmed, highlighting the power of collective effort and teamwork.

When we asked Ashleigh if she would recommend the Outward Bound experience to others, her response was unequivocal, "I definitely would," she said. "You achieve much more than you think is possible. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, and you really develop and learn."

Ashleigh's experience encapsulates the essence of the Outward Bound course, where personal and professional growth, teamwork, and pushing one's limits are celebrated. We're proud to have Apprentice Leaders like Ashleigh who continually embrace such transformative experiences.